Sunday Extra – March 26th, 2023
Choosing The Best
Dave McKechnie, President of Leighton Ford Ministries, shares our Sunday Extra message this week. Dave’s son Peter, who preached for us last week, pastors Carmel Church in Charlotte. After a long career as a pastor (Tulsa, OK, Beaumont, TX, and Houston, TX) and an interim pastor in several places (Houston, Wichita, Bel Air, CA, and Charlotte) Dave and Linda now reside in Charlotte. This week for Lent, he talks about Pilate in the message Overcoming People Pleasing.
Pray for Your Pastors
Please pray for Hal Northrop and his family as they mourn the earthly loss of dear Charlotte Beasley Northrop. Hal and Charlotte were married 65 years. Hal, who served on LFM’s Board for many years, is the former CEO of Callaway Gardens in Georgia. The Ford and Northrop families have been very close friends across the years. Dad preached at the Easter Sunrise service from the 1970s through the early 1990s. During those chilly mornings, sitting on cold metal risers by the lake at Callaway, we often sang “Christ the Lord is Risen Today!” Hal, Jennifer, Foster, and Susan: We love you. We mourn with you. And we celebrate that Charlotte is with Jesus… risen today!
With Love,
Kevin Ford on behalf of the Ford Family