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Are you ready for the next
of ministry?

The LFM Difference

Watch our video to learn more about LFM and our mission to be a catalyst for mentoring a new generation of healthy leaders who sustain thriving ministries for the sake of the Gospel.

YES, we’d like to explore
partnering with LFM!

Our unique process builds consensus and engages your people in the process. We listen, partnering in joint discovery, and offer coaching. Together, we will develop a unique road map to guide your church or parachurch organization into the next phase of flourishing ministry.

Please let us know how to reach you, and we will be in touch.

“If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.”
(Proverbs 29:18, The Message)

“Thriving ministries” can bring to mind numeric growth, multi-million-dollar budgets, and a full menu of programs. All can be useful tools for the sake of the Gospel. But these outward signs aren’t true measures of a thriving ministry.

For over 20 years, the team at Leighton Ford Ministries has come alongside churches and ministries of all sizes … coast to coast … and from many different denominations … helping to leverage their unique calling and foundation to maximize impact and partner with God to transform lives and our world.

Are you ready for the next season of vibrant ministry?

Not just “advice”… we journey with you.

Leighton Ford Ministries’ work with churches and ministries is built on relationships, not a one-size-fits-all consultation. Our unique process builds consensus and engages your people along the way. We listen, research, and coach. Together, we will develop a custom road map to guide your church or parachurch organization into the next phase of vibrant ministry.

Thriving Ministries Services


Transforming Church: A Visioning Roadmap

Is your church ready to discover
where God is already at work?

Maybe it was a bad decision in the past. Maybe your context has changed. Maybe your church has never taken a serious look at identity, focus, and direction. LFM’s goal is to help transform your church by creating alignment based on who you are and what matters most. Together, we will develop a custom roadmap to guide your church into the next phase of vibrant ministry.

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Transforming Church Insight (Congregational Survey)

Are you trying to
figure out the “why?”

The Transforming Church Insight congregational survey is built into unparalleled research, taking a deep dive on your congregation and comparing results to national norms of more than 11 million records. From gauging church health, to preparing for transition, to figuring out how to be more effective, LFM’s TCI congregational survey is a vital and cost-effective starting point.

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Thriving Congregations Initiative (for smaller congregations)

A complete visioning process designed exclusively for smaller congregations. Leveraging the power of teamwork, we bring together small groups of like-minded churches in a three-year cohort focused on navigating societal change, identifying and strengthening strategies and values, and developing a fresh vision for a thriving ministry. Initial funding provided by Lilly Endowment Inc.

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Senior Leadership Coaching

Every leader needs
a trusted advisor.

Leighton Ford Ministries believes that each ministry leader and missional business leader is unique. Our coaching process helps leaders discover their strengths and learn how to leverage them, complement them, and when not to use them. Are you ready for a coaching relationship for ministry-oriented senior leaders that helps unleash the tools God has already given you? Click here to meet our coaches and explore the possibilities.

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Church Governance

“When the only tool in your toolbox
is a hammer, everything looks
like a nail.”

Most churches operate on protocols and structures developed decades ago. The old solutions no longer fix new challenges. Leighton Ford Ministries partners with church governance teams to understand the three types of challenges and the three different leadership approaches required to effectively respond. LFM doesn’t provide a one-time solution to a single challenge, rather, we empower your Governing Board to effectively lead.

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Leighton Ford Ministries is unique in that we only partner with ministries on stewardship/capital campaigns if we’ve previously worked with them on visioning, strategic planning, or governance. Our focus is building upon our prior teamwork, providing consistency and an in-depth of understanding to turn your fresh vision into reality.

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