Sunday Extra – December 10th, 2023
A Longtime Friend
A blessed second Sunday of Advent to you, friend. Today grab a of coffee or tea and listen to Steve Haas, one of Leighton Ford’s mentees, as he shares God’s Word with us on Sunday Extra. Steve, a long-time friend of the Ford family, is the former Vice President/Chief Catalyst of World Vision. He recently preached this message at an Advent chapel for the World Vision staffers.
Prayers for Jean
Please pray for Jean Ford who has had pneumonia since Thanksgiving Day, and she’s having a hard time recovering her strength and getting enough nourishment. Pray for Leighton and the family as they walk with her through this difficult time.
May the Lord surround the Fords – and you and your family, with His unexplainable peace: “You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You” (Isaiah 26:3 CSB).
Note – Jim Singleton gave Steve Haas an incorrect title and job designation in his introduction.