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Sunday Extra | David Swanson

Sunday Extra – August 18th, 2024

Leaving Things Behind

David Swanson, longtime friend of LFM, has partnered with us before in LFM’s visioning process – and is soon to begin again. David serves a congregation in Orlando, Florida, where he has ministered for almost 20 years. Through LFM’s partnering with a church, we become friends on a multi-year journey based on listening, research, and coaching. Together, we develop a custom roadmap to guide your church into the next phase of vibrant ministry.

This message comes from a series David preached on the book of Revelation. His word helps us reflect on things we need to leave behind as we follow Jesus – and how difficult it is to leave them.

Praying for Ministry Opportunities

This week, we have lots of opportunities to pray for:

  • One of our mentoring groups, Space4Grace, meets this week in southern Oregon. Led by MaryKate Morse, they have continued meeting for fifteen years. Let’s pray for the Lord to meet them significantly, giving them much grace, direction, and strength.
  • LFM’s Jim Birchfield has been coaching a pastor and partnering in a visioning process with a church in Thomasville GA.  Today, he preaches at the church, followed by a congregational debrief of the church’s new direction.
  • Rich Hurst is also in Sacramento, California, this weekend leading a visioning work with a church.

Pray that they “may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:10-11 NIV).

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