Sunday Extra – July 16th, 2023
Wondering About…
Today Aaron Neff of First Church in Pittsford, New York, premieres on our Sunday Extra. Kevin Ford is partnering with this congregation to help them discover a new vision for their ministry. Jim Singleton is also coaching Aaron in that process.
The current sermon series is entitled “I Have Always Wondered About . . .” The series was triggered by questions submitted from his congregation. Sit back, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and hear Aaron weave together passages from both Ephesians 2 and James 2. Pastor Aaron wants to help us better comprehend the relationship of faith and works. May God guide each of us to hear the Good News of God’s grace and experience transformation in our lives.
Praying for Summer Opportunities
During the spring and summer months, several of our global mentoring groups meet for their yearly gatherings of encouragement, edification, and renewal. Pray this week for the Soul Friends Mentoring Group as Rich Hurst leads them in Ohio. Also, join us in praying for our own Nick Hurst who will be preaching this coming Wednesday at Crossroads Summer Camp in South Carolina.
Let’s remember one of the prayers of our Lord Jesus, who prayed, “I have given them your word. . . . My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. . . . Sanctify them by your truth; your word is truth. May the be brought to complete unity to let the world that you sent me and have loved them” (John 17:14-17,23 NIV).