Sunday Extra – January 8th, 2023
The Gift of Baptism
Steve Turnbull from Upper Arlington Church near Columbus, Ohio, shares with us this morning on Sunday Extra. He and this congregation have partnered with LFM on several projects for many years now. Steve is a regular on our Sunday Extra broadcast and a wonderful communicator and friend on the journey. Today he talks about baptism, an important part of discipleship journey.
The Attentive Church
The LFM team is excited that Kevin Ford and Jim Singleton have just completed their book manuscript, The Attentive Church. InterVarsity Press will be publishing the book in 2024. The book challenges church leaders to be attentive listeners – to the Lord, their congregation, and their context. Will you join us in praying now that the Lord will use this project to glorify Himself and equip pastors and church leaders to lead well? IVP will be reviewing the manuscript the next few weeks. Pray with us as we move forward on this endeavor.