Sunday Extra – February 25th, 2024
God’s Heart
Stephan Tchividjian, a pastor in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, shares God’s Word with us today on Sunday Extra. The oldest grandchild of Billy and Ruth Graham, he and Kevin Ford are cousins. He is also the CEO of the National Christian Foundation of South Florida, with whom LFM partners to train mentors. He is preaching in a Virginia congregation from the Sermon on the Mount, helping us understand the heart of God in the relationship Jesus has to the law. May God open your hearts as you listen.
Whole-Person Care
Next weekend, two of our team will lead a visioning retreat for Ohio churches in a new cohort coached by one of our partner pastors, ClintTolbert. Pray for the three of them as they facilitate this weekend.
Also, Florence Muindi challenges us to involve the church in“whole-person missions,” caring for people both spiritually and physically. Her recent article in the Lausanne Global Analysis, The Church and Whole-Person Care, reminds us that “only individuals who have been spiritually and internally changed can sustain behavioral and physical changes to become the righteousness of God, even in the face of spiritual warfare. This is the redemption ministry Jesus came to accomplish and he blesses it and builds it on his church.” Leighton Ford is the honorary chairperson of the Lausanne Movement.