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Sunday Extra | Jim Singleton

Sunday Extra – September 1st, 2024

The Divine Story

Today on Sunday Extra our friend Jim Singleton, Executive Director of North American Mentoring Services, shares God’s Word. Jim is preaching at a congregation in Dallas, Texas, about worshiping the Lord. It’s important to remember that whatever happens in our individual lives, we’re a part of a much larger divine story.

The 99%

In just twenty days, the Fourth Lausanne Congress begins. Please pray for the thousands of participants around the world preparing to participate in these preceding weeks.

Jerry White and Bill Peel remind us at The Lausanne Movement that the 99% of Christians who don’t work in professional ministry have a vital role in accomplishing Jesus’ Great Commission. Right where they work, play, and do life, believers have “daily opportunities to offer living proof—through their actions, attitudes, and words—that the Gospel is indeed Good News.”  Evangelism is often a process hinging on “earning the right to be heard, building trust, and showing before telling.” Read the entire article, “Workplace Evangelism for the 99 Percent.”

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