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Sunday Extra | John Yates III

Sunday Extra – July 17th, 2022

Life’s Messes

Welcome to Sunday Extra.  As we mentioned last week, we can enjoy two weeks of John Yates III from Raleigh, NC.  Both sermons focus on Abraham’s walk of faith. Today’s message shows some of his life’s messiness – and how God worked through it all.  As we said last week, John received coaching through LFM from Jim Osterhaus.  He is also a good friend of Corey Widmer, another pastor who speaks on Sunday Extra.  They both served as attachés for John Stott, whose life was bound with Leighton in the forming of the Lausanne Movement.  John asks us to pray for their church community to grow in Christ-likeness and in the depth of their common life, so the world might catch sight of Jesus in their midst.

Happy 90th Birthday to Jean Ford

Mom, when you were 12, you had polio. You had a rare strain of the disease in your throat. You never fully recovered. Today, you are 90. Your childhood battle with polio makes it difficult for you to talk today. But, you listen.
It doesn’t seem that long ago when you drove me all over Charlotte. Basketball, baseball, and yes, even a year of football.  Countless trumpet lessons and competitions.  While I was grateful for the transportation, it was the time in the car with you that I remember the most. You were always interested in me. You were curious about what was going on in my life — with my friends, teachers, and coaches. As a kid, I didn’t really notice that. But now as an adult (an older one at that), I realize what an incredible gift you are. It is rare, in today’s world, that we find someone who actually listens.  Someone who asks questions. What does that say? “You are worth my time. You are worth listening to. You are valuable. You are important. You are a child of God.” As I’ve watched you interact with your close friends across the years, I’m amazed at how you listen.
My friend talks about the 50:20 principle, a reference to Genesis 50:20 where “you intended it for harm, but God intended it for good.” Polio tried to ruin your life, but God has used it for good. My dear mother, thank you for listening. To me.
With Much Love,

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