Sunday Extra – January 19th, 2025
Be Strong
Good day to you! LFM’s Dave McKechnie, who served for 25 years as Senior Pastor of a church in Houston that was one of the largest congregations in his denomination, shares today’s Sunday Extra message. A Canadian by birth, his father and Leighton Ford knew each other many years ago. Dave now lives in Charlotte and is a wonderful presence among so many LFM connections. He preached this message from Ephesians 6 in late December. May you be encouraged as Dave talks about being strong in the Lord.
Bearing Fruit
As we move into the New Year, we want to pray for ministry leaders and ministry efforts, as “the Gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world” (Colossians 1:6 NIV). Let’s pray for LFM staffer Nick Hurst, a young evangelist who is preaching this weekend in Atlanta, Georgia, and this week in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, to about 2000 teenagers. Pray for a powerful move of the Gospel and for many to know Jesus.
Nick and his wife Chelsea wrote a wonderful book called Marriage Minded: 10 Ways to Know You’ve Found the One to help single, dating, and engaged couples navigate biblical romance with an intention of marriage. The Hursts hope it benefits young people and the next generation to come. Click here to find out more about the book.