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Sunday Extra | Jennier Holz

Sunday Extra – August 4th, 2024

Good Friends

Aren’t you glad to have good friends that don’t mind helping you solve a problem? In today’s edition of Sunday Extra, Jennier Holz preaches in a church in Carmel, California about some friends who wouldn’t take no for an answer. In Mark 2, we find Jesus preaching as four friends open a hole in a roof and lower their sick friend to get to Jesus.

LFM has served this congregation by recently coaching their Pastor Search Committee. At LFM, we do not find candidates for churches, but we do come alongside search committees to assist and guide them.  Today’s message is the conclusion of that process, as Jennifer preaches in light of the church calling her as their new pastor. If your congregation needs to engage in a search process, LFM will be happy to help.

The Whole World

LFM continues celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Lausanne Movement. Influenced by key leaders like Billy Graham, John Stott, and Leighton Ford, Lausanne’s passion is that evangelization requires the whole church to take the whole Gospel to the whole world. 

Through the decades, Lausanne has involved evangelists, thinkers, and leaders from a multitude of ethnicities, nations, and continents. Click here to view a collection of 50 Quotes from 50 Years, representing “a platform for voices from across the global church to champion the cause of God’s global mission.”

Let’s pray as delegates from the globe prepare to meet next Month in South Korea for the Fourth Lausanne Congress. We can join together in Jesus’ model prayer “Hallowed be Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9-10 NIV).

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