Reflections | Dr. Leighton Ford (Mentoring)
I Am A Cup (Poem by Leighton Ford)
May 28, 2017
I bring coffee to waking lips
I carry water to a thirsty child
I am lifted in prayer
I am poured in communion
I spend much time on a shelf waiting
I am chosen and lifted and happy
I am named by my possessor
I am given shape by my maker
I am given roundness
I am given fullness
I am empty
I am flowing
I am sometimes warm
I am often chilly
I like to be held and touched
I am handled and moved around
I am put aside
I am often rinsed and cleaned
I often sit and wait
I have been around a long time
I am just a cup
I am
A cup
Leighton Ford
7 am May 27, 2017