God The Artist (Michael Card)
“When we first encounter God in the Bible, it is not as the awesome Lawgiver or the Judge of the universe, but as an Artist. The language of Genesis is not flashy or grandiose; there is no waving of his great or powerful arm, no echoing of the mighty shout of the word of creation, no universe falling from his fingertips. Genesis tells us of his stepping back from the canvas of creation at the end of each day to examine his work and, like any painter or sculptor, with the utmost simplicity declaring “Good”. Like an artist he begins with the more fundamental forms. The light and darkness, the earth, air, and water are his pencil sketch. Next he moves up in complexity until at the top of the whole wonderful heap stands humanity. “Very good!” is his verdict.
From Scribbling In The Sand by Michael Card (2004, IVP).