The Antidote for Christmas Busyness (Amy Julia Becker)
Amy Julia Becker is a former Sandy Ford Fellow and is now an author and speaker. You can find out more about here. We loved her recent Christmas letter and reprint it below:
Dear Friends,
Has your December been busy? Mine has. We’ve raced through activities, rehearsals for the Nutcracker performance, holiday parties for multiple schools and at multiple’s friends’ houses, the holiday party for faculty at our own house, not to mention the shopping and putting up the tree and some of our favorite local traditions, which include Holiday in the Depot (a fun night in our little town which includes a hay ride pulled by horses with jingle bells, fire pits with s’mores, carolers, Santa, and more), Slices with Santa (Santa. Pizza. In the local firehouse.), and our church’s annual Christmas concert and pageant.
But as I felt myself bracing for what felt like an inevitable onslaught of activities, I was reminded of Paul Miller’s words in his book A Praying Life. He wrote something along the lines of, “Jesus had a busy life. But he didn’t have a busy heart.” That’s my desire this season—to quiet my heart, to keep my soul and my inner being in a simple, receptive state of being, ready for joy and wonder and peace and hope and love to enter in. (It’s not my reality. But it is my desire. Perhaps you feel the same way.) Scroll down for upcoming events and family book picks.
Blessings to you—
Amy Julia