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News | Dr. Leighton Ford (Mentoring)

Remembering Billy Graham

March 2, 2021

My brother-in-law, Billy Graham, was laid to rest three years ago today. Of all the memories of that day, three memories stay with me.

  • The crowds who lined the roads and bridges, waiting as his body passed on the way to Charlotte to call out his name with great respect and love.
  • The cross shining on the casket (see my picture!).
  • My Jeanie, the first of the family to speak, bringing laughter as she said how strange it was to be standing at the podium looking back at her old family house! And then, softly quoting the old hymn, “Heaven came down and glory filled by soul,” she said, “And I know he would want me to say, when heaven comes down for you may you be ready.”
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