Out of the Hurricane

As Hurricane Florence hurtles our way, I’ve been reminded of how Hurricane Hugo hit us here in Charlotte many years ago.
It did tremendous damage. We lost 25 trees in our yard, but thankfully our house was not damaged. We were without power for several days and much of the city for two weeks.
Interestingly, we had a strategic planning session planned for that same day for our recently launched Leighton Ford Ministries. Friends and counselors had come from some distance to be part of the planning. Of course we had to cancel the session, and those who had come headed home as soon as they could.,
But it seemed God had another planning session in mind! A week later, I went by myself for a day at the lake north of Charlotte. It was a time to think and pray about the future.
During that day at the lake I seemed to sense God saying, “If you want to make a difference in the world, it will happen not through multiplying programs, but by investing in people.”
That day, I wrote down a list of men and women I had come to know, with outstanding potential and hearts committed to the Lord. They became my list of Guys and Gals to Watch. They also became the core of my very first mentoring group, our point group which continues to this day!
So out of the storm came God’s quiet whisper. I wonder what we will hear this time?
It’s a reminder not only to pray for protection, but to listen again for that “still, small voice” of the Lord.