Not Saved

The summer is over
the harvest is past
and we are not saved
I wake this early August morning
thinking it is time to ready
and order our work for the coming fall
I wake this morning also to news
of bloody carnage.
a tale of two dazed cities
and one bewildered country
first the settlers killed the Indians
and the Indians killed the settlers
now the nationalists kill the browns
and before long the browns
may kill the whites
when will it end?
what difference will
our puny efforts make
to stop the horror
the bloody bullets?
the only way
is a way of peace,
to end the hateful
unnamed civil war
The summer is over.
The harvest is past
Why are we not saved?
I wrote the above, then listened on my phone to the app Pray-As-You-Go
The scripture for this morning is the story of Jesus praying in the hills while the disciples are almost swamped by a violent storm on the lake, of Jesus appearing, and Peter asking to come to him on the troubled water.
How Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the waves and came toward Jesus. But when he noticed the rough and heavy winds he became frightened, and beginning to sink cried out, “Lord save me!”
Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him saying to him, “You have little faith. Why did you doubt?” And held him until he was safe and the storm ceased.
Then the other disciples worshiped him saying, “Truly, you are the son of God.”
It was truly a word for today. Reminding me that, although the “prince of the power of the air” invades troubled young minds through the internet, he has no authority over the destiny of those who follow the Prince of Peace.