Reflections | Dr. Leighton Ford (Mentoring)
My Journal Jottings
August 30, 2018
The pods are falling
The pods are falling! the pods are falling!
From our back porch I hear them,
pecan pods discarded
from high above,
in tiny explosions
in tiny explosions
popping on the cushions,
clanging on the metal chairs,
plopping on the grass.
Chicken Little would be dismayed.
As for me, I hope none will hit me on the head,
but otherwise these are happy sounds,
signaling that
the heavy heat of summer
is on the way out,
that fresh opportunities of fall
are on the way in.
They lead me into a singing prayer:
Summer and winter,
springtime and harvest
sun moon and stars
in their courses above.
join with all nature
in manifold witness
to Thy great faithfulness,
mercy and love.
I lift my coffee cup to the Lord, sying
“Thanks for pouring out the heaviness,
for pouring in the freshness.”
Leighton Ford
August 30, 2018