Introducing An Artist, Melanie Spinks (Leighton Ford)
Melanie Spinks is a gifted artist whom I met through Gordon-Conwell Seminary here in Charlotte. She had a successful career as an artist in Charleston, SC, before completing her seminary work and then sensing a call back to Charlotte.
Melanie works in multi-media – her sculpture and painting works are quite outstanding. One of her major installations is a high display in the new hall of mission at the seminary here – quite impressive!
I am also impressed with her call to serve the Lord in art – both in her own works, and encouraging other Christian artists, and making a bridge between churches and artists. She is also a gifted speaker and writer.
I have been privileged as a friend and mentor to know Melanie, to sense her keen theological mind, and deep love for Christ and the church.
Please read her artist’s statements on her website, view her work – you will be impressed and delighted.
Her works ‘Your Promise, My Peace’ (above) and ‘The Heavenly Anthem’ (below) will give you a taste.
To see more, just click here.