Good News Is For Sharing! – Zack Eswine
One of the most popular features of the recent reissue of Leighton’s classic Good News Is For Sharing is the personal stories told about some friends of Leighton and Leighton Ford Ministries. Over the next week, we’ll be sharing those stories here as well as some details about the folks listed only by first name in the book!
First up is Zack Eswine.
Zack’s Story
“I am at Panera with a friend with a who worships Zeus and harkens back to the pagan gods of Olympus.
This conversation is in light of a handful of conversations over the past few months. I give thanks that my friend now believes that 1) Jesus actually existed, 2) the Bible is a historically reliable document, and 3) Jesus’ teachings are compelling.
My friend has not put his faith in Jesus as his lord and savior yet. However, I use the metaphor of being on the road with Jesus, traveling with him where he walks, and watching and listening to him.
My friend says that he would like to take that much of a step. He’d like to actively pursue Jesus as he is in the gospels and in history.
I thought this was a huge step. I trust and pray that this will lead to the next step – actual faith in the Lord as his savior.”
About Zack
Zack Eswine serves as Lead Pastor for Riverside Church and as Director for Homiletics at Covenant Theological Seminary.
Zack’s most recent books include Spurgeon’s Sorrows: Realistic Hope for those who Struggle with Depression and The Imperfect Pastor which received Christianity Today’s Book of the Year Award in Leadership/Pastoral Ministry.
Zack and his wife Jessica cultivate life and family in Webster Groves, Missouri.