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Reflections | Dr. Leighton Ford (Mentoring)

All Saints Day – A Day Early

November 5, 2018

This Sunday was All Saints Day at church, when we remembered those who have gone before us this year. But for me All Saints came a day early.

On Saturday I went to Great Harvest to get a loaf of their fine cinnamon chip bread for Jeanie. A woman handed it to me who I didn’t remember seeing there before. As she did, she said, “I always remember Sandy.”

I was startled. It’s been 37 years since he died during heart surgery, a long time to be remembered.

“You do?” I said, “Thank you for telling me. How do you remember him?”

” I never met him,” she said, “but I knew about him. I read your book about him. I’ve always been so thankful for him.”

Of course I was deeply moved.

She went on.

“There are a lot of people that we never know who do important things. Some people, God shows us to us so we might be reminded of his grace, And Sandy was one of those in his faithfulness to his Lord.”

I thanked her. I left. I received from her a loaf of bread, but even more a word of grace for my soul, for God’s light shining through Sandy, and all saints.


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