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Prayer | Dr. Leighton Ford (Mentoring)

Open Our Eyes

February 10, 2015

Have you noticed how things often seem to “parallel” each other?

Almost as if some “invisible” hand is at work in our lives?

In the past four weeks I have had cataracts removed from both my eyes, in one of those marvelous modern medical procedures. First the right, then the left – cataract removed, new lens implanted – and in a few hours colors and shapes became vivid and sharp again – at least from a distance. For reading I will still need glasses!

At the same time I have been reading the current issue of Weavings journal – with the theme “Recovery of Sight to the Blind” with an article by Marilyn McEntyre on “Learning to See.” She writes of finding guidance through intuition, Scripture, and wise and listening friends.

If our prayer as we grow toward spiritual maturity is, “Open my eyes, that I may see,” it may be that our distance vision isn’t what needs correction, but the way we see the ordinary, up-close data of daily life …

“Open my eyes” is a prayer for epiphany. It is a prayer that we may be attuned and alert to God’s ongoing self-revelation in nature, in history, in scripture, and in our encounter with each other, that we might be among those for whom every bush is a burning bush.

I am thankful for the new vision for my physical eyes.

I want to be looking for the clues of God’s presence in what surrounds me today.

How about joining me in that old hymn:

Open my eyes that I may see
Glimpses of truth thou hast for me …
Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!

Leighton Ford
May 23, 2014

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